Fr. Anselmo G. Erazo, OSA

April 21, 1931 – June 11, 2013

Erazo Y Garlan Anselmo (21.04.1931-11.06.2013) Fr. Anselmo Erazo, OSA was born on April 21, 1931 in Igbaras, Iloilo, Philippines. His parents were Ramon Erazo and Anaclita Garlan, and had 7 brothers and 2 sisters.

After finishing one year studies at the University of San Agustin, he joined the Order on July 2, 1955 and entered the novitiate on August 2, 1958. He made his simple profession as a lay brother on August 3, 1959 and professed the solemn vows on August 4, 1962.

After serving the Order as a lay brother for 17 years, at the instance of the late Julio Cardinal Rosales, the Archbishop of Cebu then, he asked his Superiors to be allowed to study philosophy and theology in order to become a priest. His wish was granted and was ordained priest in the Cathedral of Cebu on April 8, 1982.

As a lay brother in the erstwhile Augustinian Vicariate of the Philippines, Province of the Most Holy Name of Jesus of the Philippines, his assignment was mainly as Procurator or Sacristan of the communities where he was assigned. He was known to be a very attentive friar in serving the brothers, including some bishops from the different parts of the country who usually stayed at San Agustin Monastery in Intramuros when in Manila.

He was one of the older friars who opted to join the Province of Santo Niño de Cebu-Philippines during creation in December 25, 1983. From that date onwards, he was assigned mainly as Parish Priest or Vicar, and also as Procurator. Regardless of his assignment, he was always sought as confessor, even of fellow priest and religious, and a favorite spiritual director of many lay persons.

This apostolate as confessor he continued to undertake even during the period that he was sick and had difficulty moving around. In fact, he died as member of the Novitiate Community and acted as confessor of the novices and of the Augustinian nuns in the nearby monastery. He died a peaceful death on June 11, 2013 at the Perpetual Succour Hospital in Cebu City at the age of 82, 54 years as religious and 31 years as priest.

In Memoriam