OSA Niño Logo
Official logo of the 40th Anniversary of the Province

OSA Niño at 40

The Augustinian Friars of the Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu – Philippines celebrate with great joy the 40th anniversary of their juridical existence as a Province and with grateful hearts thank the Lord for this grace-filled period of religious witnessing to the Charism of the Order and of fruitful service to the Church in the Philippines and in other parts of the world.


“Augustinian Province of Santo Niño at 40: Profoundly Sharing Lives in Community for the Service of the Church”

 The Augustinian Friars of the Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu – Philippines celebrate with great joy the 40th anniversary of their juridical existence as a Province and with grateful hearts thank the Lord for this grace-filled period of religious witnessing to the Charism of the Order and of fruitful service to the Church in the Philippines and in other parts of the world.

During this fortieth year, the friars are asked to re-examine and look deeper into their being Augustinians bound to live, and witness to, the Charism of the Order, which is generally expressed as a life of profound prayer, in union with others in the community (religious or lay), and in service to the Church through diverse forms of apostolate.

It is only fitting that to mark this great event, celebrations that recall how the members of the Province responded with firm faith to the many challenges they encountered in living faithfully their consecrated and apostolic life as well as how they bravely and creatively undertook activities to manifest their love for the Augustinian way of life and their commitment to the evangelization work of the Church shall be held.

One of the reasons for the creation of the Santo Niño Province was the challenge of “enculturating” in the Philippine soil, by the native Augustinians, the Augustinian values and way of life.  Its coming into existence was the fruit of a collective desire by the pioneering members to enrich and further expand the contributions of the Augustinians to the planting and nurturing of the Augustinian spirit and values in the different arenas of their apostolate – mission centers, parishes, schools, spirituality institutes, formation houses, etc. – and to enhance the commitment of the members to the Church’s work of evangelization in the country and beyond.

Therefore, after forty years of existence, let the members of the Province renew their common vision and determination of having a “vibrant Augustinian presence” in the ever expanding number of the Province’s communities and residences, and in the ever widening area of missionary commitments that the Province has recently undertaken.  Let the members learn from the challenges met and difficulties encountered.  Let them deepen their faith in the abiding presence of the Lord as experienced by them in the past.  And most importantly, let them experience the presence of the Holy Spirit in properly discerning decisions to take and programs to implement to make their living the Augustinian way of life more intense, and their participation in the evangelizing task of the Church more productive.

Furthermore, for a more meaningful celebration of this great event, some other considerations that have impacted the Province’s psyche as a religious group could also be highlighted: the contributions to the planting of the Augustinian way of life in this part of the world by our missionary predecessors from Spain and Mexico, concretized by the still existing magnificent churches and convents, as well as religious practices and devotions; the generous support of our committed lay associates and partners in the work of Christian formation particularly in the field of social apostolate and education; and our continued collaboration with the local clergy in the work of evangelization primarily in remote mission areas both in the country and abroad.

Lastly, the Province which has inherited the missionary spirit of the first evangelizers of the land should continue and sustain its works of evangelization not only in the confines of the Philippine soil but even outside where the Augustinian Order and the Church are calling the friar members to serve.  After all, the universal call that the members of the Province share with all other Augustinians is that we contribute to the establishment of a global society, a City of God, where “oneness of minds and hearts on the way to God” is being experienced and nourished. This concept is in line too with the synodality thrust of the Church today in which all believers in the Lord are invited to be in communion with each other, and with the promptings of the Spirit discern, journey and carry out the identified missions in life together. 


Calendar of Activities


Pre-launching Activities

  • 13th Huniño: A Liturgical song writing Contest
  • Awarding of the Logo-Making Contest
  • Launching of the Theme Song


1669th Birthday of St. Augustine

Solemnity of All Saints of the Augustinian Order

9:00 AM
Opening of OSANiño@40 Exhibit
Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu, Cebu City
10:00 AM
Thanksgiving Mass: Jubilarians of the OSANiño
Presider: Very Rev. Fr. Andres D. Rivera, OSA, Prior Provincial 
Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu, Cebu City
12:00 NN
Tribute to the Jubilarians of the OSANiño
Aula Magna, Sto. Niño Pilgrim Center, Cebu City


40th Anniversary of the Canonical Establishment of the Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu – Philippines

5:00 PM
Opening Mass of OSANiño@40 
Presider: Fr. Eusebio B. Berdon, OSA
First Prior Provincial
Basilica del Sto. Niño de Cebu, Cebu City
7:00 PM
Thanksgiving Dinner 
Sto. Niño Pilgrim Center, Cebu City
Christmas gift-giving and Feeding for the Homeless and Children in All Local Communities and Residences
Note: All Priors and Superiors or representatives of the Community are encouraged to join, and Affiliates and Benefactors in Cebu will be invited. 


Openng of OSANiño @ 40 Exihibit

4:00 PM
Opening of OSANiño@40 Exhibit
SM Seaside, Cebu City


40th Anniversary of the Inauguration of the Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu – Philippines

7:00 PM
Thanksgiving Mass 
Presider: Very Rev. Fr. Alejandro Moran Antón, OSA, Prior General of OSA
8:00 PM
Halad Sinulog of the Augustinian Friars
Note: All Solemn Professed Members of the Province must attend this activity. January 14, 2024 at 8:00 PM will be the rehearsal of the Halad Sinulog of the Augustinian Friars. 

Holy Hour for the Augustinian Formation Apostolate


Balik – Ugat in Luzon


Holy Hour for the Local and Foreign Missions


120th Founding Anniversary of University of San Agustin – Iloilo City

Balik – Ugat in Panay

Balik – Ugat in Cebu

4th Philippine Augustinian Laudato Si’ Campaign


Holy Hour for the Augustinian Pastoral Apostolate


Holy Hour for the Augustinian Educational Apostolate


Congress on the 40th Anniversary of the Province


As the Augustinian Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu – Philippines prepares for its 40th foundation anniversary on 15 January 2024, the Committee on Provincial Congress proposes a three-day Provincial Congress for the Augustinian friars and lay collaborators. It focuses not only on the contribution of the Province to the Philippine Church in the areas of Education, Pastoral Ministry, Justice and Peace, and Formation, but also on its significant role as it collaborates with other entities/circumscriptions of the Order. In the spirit of synodality which is the thrust of the Universal Church, the congress serves as a venue for reflection and dialogue among Augustinian friars and lay collaborators in “walking together” for the promotion of communion of life and community life in their works of evangelization. In the end, the congress does not only inform participants but transforms them to be individuals inspired by the life of St. Augustine of Hippo and by the charism of the Augustinian Order.


Holy Hour for Special Apostolate of the Province

Basilica and Shrines, Retreat House, and Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation


1670th Birthday of Our Holy Father St. Augustine and All Saints of the Order

4:00 PM
Unveiling of the Historical Marker of the Pioneering Members of the Augustinian Province of Santo Niño de Cebu – Philippines, San Agustin Center of Studies, #1 Fisheries St., Visayas Avenue, Quezon City

5:00 PM
Thanksgiving Mass of the Jubilarian Members of the Province.

Presider: Very Rev. Fr. Andrew P. Batayola, OSA, Prior Provincial 
San Agustin Chapel, San Agustin Center of Studies
 #1 Fisheries St., Visayas Avenue, Quezon City

7:00 PM
Tribute to the Pioneering Members and the Jubilarians of the OSANiño –
Multi-Purpose Hall, San Agustin Center of Studies,
#1 Fisheries St., Visayas Avenue, Quezon City


Commemoration of the Dead Members, Affiliates and Benefactors of the Augustinian Province of Santo Niño de Cebu - Philippines

Note: Invite all Families of the Dead Members, Affiliates and Benefactors of the Province


41st Anniversary of the Canonical Establishment of the Augustinian Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu - Philippines

5:00 PM
Thanksgiving Mass
Presider: Very Rev. Fr. Andrew P. Batayola, OSA, Prior Provincial
Basilica del Sto. Niño de Cebu 

7:00 PM
Thanksgiving Dinner of the 41st Anniversary of the OSANiño Province
 Aula Magna, Sto. Niño Pilgrim Center, Cebu City

Christmas Gift Giving and Feeding for Homeless or Children in All Local Communities and Residences:


Note: All Priors and Superiors or representatives of the Community are encouraged to join and Affiliates and Benefactors in Cebu will be invited.


Closing of OSANiño @ 40

41st Anniversary of the Inauguration of the Augustinian Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu – Philippines

5:00 PM         
Thanksgiving Mass of the 40th Anniversary of the Province
Presider: Most Rev. Eminence Robert Cardinal Prevost, OSA 
Prefect of the Dicastery for Bishops    

7:00 PM         
OSANiño@40 Thanksgiving Dinner
JSU – PSU Mariners’ Court, Cebu City

Note: All Solemn Professed Members of the Province must attend this activity.


460th Kaplag of the Venerable Image of Santo Niño de Cebu

Launching of the Commemorative Book of the Augustinian Province of Sto. Niño @ 40
Basilica Minore del Sto. Niño de Cebu, Cebu City