PADO Joins RIMC for DSWD-Region 7 4P’s Program Monitoring

pado and dswd

Philippine Augustinians Development Office (PADO) has been nominated and endorsed by the Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) – Region 7 to become a member of the Regional Independent Monitoring Committee (RIMC) for the Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4P’s). The nomination was made on January 26, 2022, and PADO was represented by its head, Fr. Jose Rene C. Delariarte, OSA.

According to the DSWD-7 Regional Director’s endorsement, the RIMC comprises representatives from the private sector and civil society organizations to complement the monitoring activities of the social welfare department and provide feedback for appropriate action. Its establishment aligns with the Department’s transparency, accountability, participation, equity, and quality assurance policies.

Under Republic Act 11310 (An Act Institutionalizing 4P’s) Implementing Rules and Regulation, Section 53, the RIMC is tasked to: Monitor the inter-agency implementation of the program at all levels; participate in the review and assessment of the qualified household-beneficiary and LGU compliance to conditions; solicit the participation of the private sector to collaborate with the government in the implementation of the Program; set the standards for accountability, transparency and equity among 4P’s stakeholders; hold regular quarterly meetings or special meetings as needed; and, act as resource persons in advocacy activities as appropriate.

PADO joins Nature Spring Foundation, Sunbeam Global, Philippine Tuberculosis Society, and Juanito I, King Foundation as members of the 4P’s Regional Independent Monitoring Committee of DSWD-Field Office 7. With this new task, PADO hopes to help further those in society’s margins and strengthen linkages with both government and private sectors.