VocJam 2023: Discovering Your Vocation in a Synodal Church

Vocation Jamboree 2023 and the Novices

The Vocation Jamboree 2023, known as VocJam, kicked off last February 25, 2023 at the University of San Jose – Recoletos Basak Campus with a series of talks, workshops, and activities aimed at helping young people discern their vocation in life.

The theme of this year’s event is “One Faith, One God, One Vocation Journey in a Synodal Church,” which was expounded by Rix the Seminarian, Enrico Macrohon,  in his talk. Rix shared his personal journey of discernment and encouraged the participants to trust in God’s plan for their lives.

The Praise and Worship session, led by the Feast Central Visayas Worship Ministry, lifted the spirits of the attendees as they sang and danced to contemporary Christian music.

A highlight of the event was the special segment of asking questions to the Archbishop of Cebu, Most Jose S. Palma, titled “Pangutan-a si Lolo Jose,” which roughly translates to “Ask Grandfather Jose.” In his segment, the good Archbishop shared his insights on the importance of discernment and answered questions from the audience.

The festivities culminated in a Misa Pasalamat presided over by Archbishop Palma at 5:00 AM on February 26, 2023. The early morning mass was well-attended by the young participants.

Augustinians join VocJam

Adding to the excitement of this year’s VocJam, the Augustinians set up a vocation booth to showcase their way of life and to invite interested individuals to join them in their mission of serving God and His people. The Augustinian Novices and friars represented the Order in the overnight event. Present also were other religious congregations of men and women showcasing their own charism and mission.

The event was attended by hundreds of young people from all over Cebu. Many expressed gratitude for the opportunity to learn more about their vocation and to connect with like-minded individuals.

VocJam is an event organized by the Archdiocese of Cebu to help young people discern their vocation in life and to provide them with the tools and resources to make an informed decision. With the success of this year’s event, many are already looking forward to next year’s VocJam.