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Parish Priests of San Jose Parish Placer, Iloilo City

San Jose Parish

In 1868, the parish of San Jose in Iloilo City was given to the Augustinians in exchange for the church of Jaro which was chosen to be the cathedral of the then newly-created diocese (later archdiocese) of the same name.

It is actually the only parish of the Augustinians from the Spanish colonial period that they continue to administer until today. Adjacent to the parish church is the old convent made of wood and a charity school named after the patron of the parish – San Jose Catholic School.

Here are the names of parish priests assigned to the parish from 1868 until the present.

1868-1898 – Fr. Mauricio Blanco, OSA
1898-1901 – Fr. Demetrio Asiain, OSA
1901-1901 – Fr. Claudio Aryote, OSA
1901-1902 – Fr. Jose Lavizana, OSA
1902-1903 – Fr. Juan Fernandez, OSA
1903-1909 – Fr. Anselmo Corcuera, OSA
1909-1912 – Fr. Manuel Diez, OSA
1912-1913 – Fr. Pedro Delgado, OSA
1913-1914 – Fr. David Casarez, OSA
1914-1917 – Fr. Enrique Delgado, OSA
1917-1924 – Fr. Domingo Carrera, OSA
1924-1939 – Fr. David Casarez, OSA.
1939-1940 – Fr. Juan Mindiluce, OSA
1940-1955 – Fr. Jesus Fernandez, OSA
1955-1965 – Fr. Casimiro Garcia, OSA
1965-1966 – Fr. Tirso Vega, OSA
1966-1967 – Fr. Rafael Arguelles, OSA
1967-1970 – Fr. Ambrosio J. Galindez, OSA
1970-1982 – Fr.Rodolfo S. Tamayo, OSA
1982-1988 – Fr. Apolinario L. Mejorada, OSA
1988-1990– Fr.  Dominador Besares, OSA
1990-1992– Fr.  Anselmo G Erazo, OSA
1992-1996– Fr.  Ambrosio J. Galindez, OSA
1996-1999– Fr.  Jonas M. Mejares, OSA
1999-2000– Fr.  Anselmo G. Erazo, OSA
2000-2004– Fr.  Agustin S. Ty, OSA
2004-2006– Fr.  Roy Margallo, OSA
2006-2012– Fr.  Achilles Secio, OSA
2012-2020– Fr.  Raymundo Edsel T. Alcayaga, OSA
2020-2021– Fr.  Jose R. Gonzales, OSA (Acting Parish Priest)
2021-Present – Fr.  Renchie Vicente T. Senoro, OSA

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