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Cofradia del Santo Niño de Cebu establishes Vatican Chapter

Cofradia Vatican Chapter 2

In a historic and joyful ceremony, fifty members of the Santo Niño Filipino Community in Vatican City were formally installed as members of the Cofradia del Santo Niño de Cebu, the oldest lay confraternity in the Philippines dating back to 1565.

The installation was led by Fr. Nelson Zerda, OSA, Spiritual Director of the Cofradia del Santo Niño de Cebu- Mother Chapter and Rector of the Basilica Minore del Santo Niño de Cebu which took place at the Church of Sant’ Ana dei Palafrenieri, Vatican City– the only parish in Vatican City and is under the administration of the Augustinians–  on October 17, 2023. 

The community was initially formed in 2021 with Fr. Jubanie Rey Baller, OSA as their chaplain, who concurrently serves in the Papal Sacristy.

Back in 2021, the administrators of the Santa Ana Parish took the initiative to start a Filipino Community in the Vatican City. One way of continuing the bond of the Filipino Community is by bringing them together through their devotion to the beloved child Señor Santo Niño.

Even before the formal induction, community members have been coming together to celebrate and honor the Child Jesus by holding a monthly novena mass every last Sunday of the month.

As a commitment of support, Her Excellency Madame Myla Grace Regenia C. Macahilig, the Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines to the Holy See, was also present during the event.

Other than the monthly novena mass, the Cofradia plans to include house visits to all members and gather in prayer for the perpetual novena to Santo Niño every Saturday.

This overseas establishment of a Cofradia (confraternity) represents the Augustinians’ commitment to the pastoral care of Filipino migrants.

The Vatican City Chapter adds to the growing number of international chapters specifically in Indonesia, the United States of America, and Singapore.

Cofradia Vatican Chapter 1


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