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Augustinian Prayers and Devotions

Prayer for Augustinian Vocations

Leader: Let us pray to the Lord of the harvest who calls men and women serve Him in love.
Response: That they may know their vocation and live it.

Leader: Let us pray.


All glory and praise are yours, God of truth and light of our hearts,
for you guide your people to the ways of holiness.
Help those who follow the footsteps of our Holy Father Augustine
to seek you through mutual love and worship
and to be servants of your Church as examples that others may follow.
Enlighten men and women to see the beauty of community life
in the spirit of our holy father Augustine,
and strengthen them in your service
so that the work you have begun in the fullness of time,
may be brought to perfection for the fullness of life.
This we ask through Christ, our Lord in union with the Holy Spirit. Amen.

Our Mother of Good Counsel, pray for us!