O great Saint Thomas of Villanova, we come before you today to ask for your powerful intercession before the Lord. Hear the petitions which our voices raise; answer even our unspoken prayers, too strong for words and too deep for tears.
Saint Thomas, father of the poor, you can recognize pain, even if it is buried deep within our hearts. Hear our prayers for our less fortunate brothers and sisters, all the unknown and unnamed men and women, who yearn to be liberated from the chains of poverty and indignity.
Saint Thomas, priest of Christ and pastor of souls, take us by the hand. Guide us to that path that leads to Christ. Light our pilgrim way, and be a sure sign of hope for all who invoke your protection and intercession before the Lord.
Saint Thomas, patron of studies in the Augustinian Order, help our youth and all students to value their studies as a sure way to attain wisdom and truth. We ask you also to pray for the increase of vocations in our Order and for the perseverance of all your brothers and sisters in the Augustinian family. Saint Thomas, through your intercession, we are confident that the good Lord will hear our prayers and grant our humble requests. Amen.
Antiphon: Let us rejoice in celebrating the memory of Saint Thomas. On earth, he proclaimed the love of Christ for us. Now, Christ leads him to a place of honor before his Father in heaven.
V. Pray for us, Saint Thomas of Villanova.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray. Almighty and eternal God, raise up in your Church shepherds filled with faith and love like Saint Thomas of Villanova; grant that, through his intercession, we may labor zealously in cultivating knowledge based on truth and in offering loving service. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.