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Augustinian Prayers and Devotions

Prayer for the 40th Anniv of the Province of Sto. Niño de Cebu – Philippines

Most Loving Father, you have gathered us together
as brothers and friends to live harmoniously in oneness of mind and heart
intent upon you for the service of the Church.

As we celebrate the 40th Anniversary of our Province –
the Augustinian Province of Santo Nino de Cebu,
we give you thanks for sustaining all our communities
with your grace as we promote our way of life and values,
for the guidance and blessings you have bestowed on all our endeavors and plans;
and for inspiring us to actively work for the new evangelization.

As we journey together with hope to what lies ahead,
may the Holy Spirit renew in us our religious consecration
and empower us to advance the mission you have entrusted to us.

May our faith and service give praise and glory to You
who live and reign forever and ever. Amen.

Senor Santo Nino de Cebu,
have mercy on us!

Our Lady of Consolation,
Pray for us!

St. Joseph,
Pray for us!

Saint Augustine,
Pray for us!

Imprimi Potest:
Very Rev. Fr. Andres D. Rivera, JR., OSA
Prior Provincial, Augustinian Province of Santo Niño de Cebu – Philippines

Most Rev. Jose S. Palma, D.D.
Archbishop of Cebu